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  1. Information technology - Wikipedia

    ...technology solutions to support modern business and user needs.

  2. Villagetech solutions - Wikipedia

    VillageTech Solutions began with EcoSystems (Nepal) in 1996, to improve living standards for rural people by creating affordable energy and transport products. VTS creates inexpensive technology by focusing creative talent on problems ignored by commercial investors because the solutions are...

  3. Technology - Wikipedia

    Technology is the sum of techniques, skills, methods, and processes used in the production of goods or services or in the accomplishment of objectives, such as scientific investigation.

  4. Quadriga Fintech Solutions - Wikipedia

    Quadriga Fintech Solutions was the owner and operator of QuadrigaCX, which was believed to be Canada's largest cryptocurrency exchange. In 2019 the exchange ceased operations and the company was declared bankrupt with C$215.7 million in liabilities and about C$28 million in assets.

  5. Technical support - Wikipedia

    Technical support (often shortened to tech support) refers to services that entities provide to users of technology products or services. In general...

  6. MACOM Technology Solutions - Wikipedia

    MACOM Technology Solutions is a developer and producer of radio, microwave, and millimeter wave semiconductor devices and components.

  7. Schwind eye tech solutions - Wikipedia

    SCHWIND eye-tech-solutions GmbH develops, produces and markets devices for the treatment of ametropiae and corneal diseases consisting of laser systems, diagnostic systems, software for individual treatment planning and a microkeratome.

  8. List of obsolete technology - Wikipedia

    Tasks where a fixed amount of time can be measured with a low-tech solution: Exposure time tracker in saunas (where electronics might be damaged by the heat or ultraviolet light), retro kitchen timers...


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